Audre Lorde’s radical notion of self-care has been co-opted, and stripped of its Black feminist roots for mass consumption and capitalist gain. I’ve noticed how as white women we’re at fault for this. At the same time that we claim to resist capitalism, we often end up reinforcing it.
What’s the difference between my niblings selling lemonade happily and without any shame or guilt, and those of us anti-capitalist entrepreneurs out there who lay awake at night stressing over whether or not it’s morally corrupt to sell our products/services? Continue reading for anti-capitalist lemonade stand lessons!
The first step towards growth, healing, and getting aligned with your purpose is knowing what kind of support you need (and not all coaches and therapists are created equal). Knowing what kind of support you need can be so tricky. I’ve been in therapy since early 2020 (thank goddess) and have also invested in coaching — at their best they complement each other. Coaching is not therapy, but when done well and through a trauma-informed approach it can be incredibly therapeutic.
What's something you're feeling the impulse to create? How can you take one step towards just going for it today Even if it feels bumpy sometimes, as it has and does for me, you're not going the wrong way. The path isn't smooth or linear, and the bumps are sometimes our most impactful teachers and guides.