Money Shame and Quieting Dad's Voice (Goddess Love Him)

The myth of meritocracy is bullshit and your stress about your financial situation is not due to poor budgeting. It’s so unhelpful isn't it? The shame we carry about our money? But what if our shame is actually in some weird way helping us? Find out how money shame can stem from childhood trauma, how it might be trying to help us, the antidote to this shame, what Brene Brown has to do with all of this (although overall I don’t support her because she’s pro-genocide), and what my Dad’s voice keeps repeating in my head.

The Top 10 Signs You’re Ready to Invest in (an Anti-Capitalist) Business or Mindset Coach

When is it time to invest in a business and/or mindset coach? Investing in a coach can be a mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and of course, monetary investment. Maybe you found yourself here because you’ve been googling, “Anti-Capitalist Business Coaches,” and to that I say, fuck yeah! How exciting that you’re on your journey of taking your creative energy and business more seriously. Deciding on whether or not it’s time to invest in a coach is a lot like deciding on whether or not to buy that new pair of climbing shoes. Since I’m a climber I’m going to use climbing as a metaphor, but insert whatever activity you do here. Here are the top signs that you’re ready to invest in a coach (in no particular order)!

5 Tips for Cultivating Authenticity

Authenticity isn’t a one and done act. It’s a practice and skill. In this article I explain 5 tips that you can implement today in order to start cultivating your own brand of authenticity. I want you to ask yourself the question: “Is there anywhere in my life where I’m making myself small for others?”

What is Money Trauma?

Remember when we, Millennials, would get shit on for buying avocado toast by finance specialists or just Bob our Dad’s friend who got an internship at 20 and then got a job working at General Electric out of college and now makes six figures all thanks to his wife raising the kids at home while she worked full-time as well? Is that still a thing? Is it still a thing that people tell you to stop buying that latte everyday? Because it’s not about the latte. I promise.